Software Engineering Students’ Association (SESA) is one of the most active student bodies in Faculty of Science formed with the main objective of creating innovative leaders who are knowledge seekers and problem solvers in the field of Software Engineering, thriving to serve for the betterment of humanity.

Further, it aids students in their advanced studies, researches and experimental learnings and innovations by providing knowledge resource personnel. In addition, it paves the path for students to socially interact with each other and lecturers while building unity and harmony.


Produce innovative leaders in the field Software Engineering by their work in software development in a myriad of application areas, and through work in advanced study and research.


Mission is to teach and prepare liberally educated, articulate, and skilled Software Engineers for leadership and professional careers and for advanced study. A central objective of our program is to contribute to society by advancing in the field and software engineering through innovations in teaching and research, thus enhancing student knowledge through interactive instruction, global engagement, and experiential learning. The program will serve as a resource to inform society about innovations related to the production and uses of computers and software.



The Software Engineering degree at University of Kelaniya was established in September 2015 with the objective of preparing students for successful careers in the field of Software Engineering by providing a thorough understanding of engineering methods and scientific principles.

The faculty conducts the Bachelor of Science Honours in Software Engineering degree which is the only degree program in Software Engineering offered in the state university system in Sri Lanka. This degree program offers core and optional course modules leveraging aspects of computer science, engineering and management. Through industrial training programs as well as student centered activities, students are facilitated with experiential learning opportunities to successfully meet growing trends and demands in the national economy

Students will be given the opportunity to major in one of the six core domains which are; Net Centric Applications, Mobile Computing Applications, Data Science and Engineering Applications, Health Informatics Applications, Digital Gaming and Animation Applications and Business Engineering Applications.

Mission is to teach and prepare liberally educated, articulate, and skilled Software Engineers for leadership and professional careers and for advanced study. A central objective of our program is to contribute to society by advancing in the field and software engineering through innovations in teaching and research, thus enhancing student knowledge through interactive instruction, global engagement, and experiential learning. The program will serve as a resource to inform society about innovations related to the production and uses of computers and software.



The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society -- promoting the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the well-being of our members."

The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national and international standards. The organization publishes a number of journals, has many local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as the IEEE Computer Society. Recently, University of Kelaniya established an IEEE Student Branch to lead new technological and social aspects which are related to students’ career paths at the university. The society took the lead in organizing activities such as awareness sessions and technology workshops. RealHack is the first-ever Hackathon of the University of Kelaniya organized collaboratively with the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Kelaniya in 2018 and the student body joined hands with the Software Engineering Students’ Association to organize the hackathon for the second consecutive year in 2019.

RealHack 2.0 was nominated for the Best Student Branch Activity Award at IEEE Sri Lanka Section Awards Night held during the IEEE Sri Lanka Section Student/Young Professionals/Women In Engineering Congress in December 2019.

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